Shared Approach are registered as a Domiciliary Care Agency and as such are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). As an Organisation we are inspected regularly and the latest inspection reports are available below as PDF's.
The inspection covers all aspects of the organisation including policies and procedures, communications with clients, their parents and their carers. For independent advice or help we involve others such as 'Advocacy'.
We are an equal opportunities employer & have been recognised for this by other organisations.
Shared Approach has continually achieved the Investors in People Award. Our staff are recruited to a programme of continuous training with NVQ's and QCF's. Their personal qualities enhance their commitment to providing the highest quality of personal and domestic care.
Within our organisation we have regular forums and representation from people who use Shared Approach. This enables us to continually monitor and improve our services.
We consider ourselves to be pro-active in shaping future services. We achieve this by regular attendance at provider networks and other task groups whose collective aim is to ensure the highest quality training and services are available to people with learning disabilities in Lancashire. We have service users who represent others views.
Lancashire County Council (Social Services) have introduced a scheme to audit quality outcomes and after inspection we were awarded 'Preferred Provider' status.
Other organisations and groups with whom we are involved & attend regularly include:-
- Central and North Lancashire Provider Forums
- Central and North Lancashire Partnership Board
- Wyre Disability Forum
- Health Task Group
- Quality Task Group
- Person Centered Approaches Group
- Friends and Relatioinships Groups
- Training & Workforce Development Group
- Central Lancashire Communications Group
- Lancashire Learning Disability Consortium
- Central Lancashire Positive Behaviour Management Strategy Group
- North Lancashire Challenging Behaviour Strategy Group
- North Lancashire Autism Strategy Group
- LLDC Intensive Interaction Group
We also provide a room, for the Garstang 'Speak Out Group' - This is a service user's forum, that meet regularly to discuss local issues.
Support is given to and from the meetings, but our staff wait outside. This meeting is facilitated by an external person James Hughes who works for NCompass, an independent Advocacy service. We feel this allows our users to openly express their views about our services if they wish, which are then taken by the chair, James and one of our service users Sam Gow, to wider, including national meetings.